Posts in Season 1
Sorry State Dept, You Can't Choose Human Rights A La Carte

The Commission on Unalienable Rights was convened by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. The commission has championed religious freedom and property as human rights, but not reproductive health, LGBTQ+ wellbeing, immigrant rights, and more. Amanda Klasing, Interim Co-Director at the Women’s Rights Division at the Human Rights Watch and Tarah Demant, Director of Gender, Sexuality, and Identity Program at Amnesty International USA sit down to talk to us about this commission’s most recent report and how it is harmful for global human rights.

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Bonus Pod: Remembering the Notorious RBG and Looking Ahead to What’s At Stake

On September 18, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away from complications related to pancreatic cancer. Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a fierce defender of justice for all. Leila Abolfazli, Director of Federal Reproductive Rights at the National Women’s Law Center sits down to talk to us about Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s legacy and what’s at stake when it comes to our sexual and reproductive health and rights.

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How the Federal Judiciary is Becoming More Anti-Abortion Each Day

**Note: This episode was recorded before the heartbreaking death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

In legislative sessions across the U.S. in the year of 2019, more than 300 anti-abortion bills were introduced and 58 restrictions were enacted. Some of these sexual and reproductive health-related laws will end up in front of the courts, meaning an individual’s right to abortion access in some states ends up in the hands of whatever judges preside in the court. Anisha Singh, Director of Judiciary and Democracy Affairs with Planned Parenthood Action Fund (PPACT), sits down to talk with us about how our courts play a critical role in our sexual and reproductive health and rights.

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Let's Talk About How Women Must Be Included in COVID-19 Research

The COVID-19 pandemic is both exacerbating and laying bare the ways in which marginalized communities continue to be further marginalized when it comes to healthcare access. Specifically, women, people of color, and transgender and gender non-conforming folks are often underrepresented or completely excluded from clinical trial and vaccine development. Jamille Fields Allsbrook, Director of Women’s Health and Rights at the Center for American Progress, sits down with us to discuss the ways in which disparities in representation lead to disparities in the development of clinical trials and vaccines.

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Sex Education and HPV: How Alabama is Failing Its Young People

Currently in Alabama, the state does not have a mandate on teaching sexual education. Most of the information taught in schools is abstinence-only-based, medically inaccurate, and stigmatizing to LGBTQ+ students. There are also much higher rates of cervical cancer (a highly treatable and preventable disease) in Alabama, with Black women twice as likely to die of the disease as white women. Annerieke Smaak Daniel, a fellow in the Women’s Rights Division of Human Rights Watch, joins us to talk with us about the status of comprehensive sex education is a state that is failing its young people.

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Reproductive Rights and Transgender Rights: We're In This Together

Reproductive health and rights and the health and rights of transgender individuals are issues that are both rooted in bodily autonomy and are both under attack. Even during the COVID-19 pandemic, conservative lawmakers have been going out of their way to continue attacks on transgender and reproductive health and rights. Jessica Mason Pieklo, Senior Vice President and Executive Editor at Rewire.News and Katelyn Burns, political writer at, talk about how these intersectional attacks and are ultimately rooted in anti-science and bad-faith arguments.

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Bonus Pod: The Helms Amendment Hurts And It Needs To Go

The Helms amendment is an amendment to the U.S. Foreign Assistance Act which states that U.S. government foreign assistance funds cannot be used for “the performance of abortion as a method of family planning.” The Helms amendment undermines U.S. efforts to improve maternal health and mortality by denying access to abortion services. Anu Kumar, President and CEO of IPAS, talks to us about how dangerous this 47-year-old amendment really is and why it has to go.

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Abortion Access is a Health Equity Issue

Abortion access does not look the same for everyone in the United States. That’s because whether or not someone can access an abortion is often tied to factors like income, transportation, insurance coverage, ability to find childcare, and more. COVID-19 has highlighted the inequities in the U.S. system. Dr. Bhavik Kumar, Medical Director for Primary and Trans Care at Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast and National Medical Spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Federation of America sits down to talk with us about those inequities and how they span across the full spectrum of healthcare.

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Bonus Pod: The Supreme Court Apparently Thinks Your Birth Control is Your Boss's Business

ICYMI: On Wednesday, June 8th, 2020, the Supreme Court ruled that institutions and employers are exempt from the Affordable Care Act’s birth control mandate, which requires employers to provide contraception coverage with no co-pay through insurance plans, as long as they reference a religious or moral opposition. Mara Gandal-Powers, Director of Birth Control Access and Senior Counsel at the National Women’s Law Center, sits down to talk with us about the most recent birth control-related Supreme Court ruling and how this tramples the health and rights of many across the United States.

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Bonus Pod: Wait..The "Anti-Prostitution Loyalty Oath" was at the Supreme Court?

The Anti-Prostitution Loyalty Oath (APLO) is a provision that prevents foreign NGOs and international affiliates of U.S. organizations from using the President’s Emergency Fund for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) funds in a way that “promotes prostitution or sex trafficking” and they must have an explicit policy opposing prostitution and sex trafficking. Kiefer Buckingham, Senior Policy Advisor with the Open Society Foundations and Open Society Policy Center sits down to talk with us about how the recent Supreme Court ruling that protects APLO is ultimately stigmatizing, discriminatory, and harmful to the goal of fighting HIV/AIDS.

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Sex Education Must be LGBTQ+ Inclusive or It Isn't Sex Education

Sex education shouldn’t solely be about anatomy, condom use, and STIs. It should also include education on consent, healthy relationships, and different sexual orientations and gender identities. Jennifer Driver, Vice President of Policy and Strategic Partnerships at SIECUS: Sex Ed For Social Change, sits down to talk with us about why positive LGBTQ+ representation and inclusive, medically-accurate information makes a huge difference in sex education courses.

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Bonus Pod: LGBTQ Victory at the Supreme Court, but Trouble at HHS

The Supreme Court this week ruled on a case in which they decided it was illegal to discriminate against LGBT people in employment situations under Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. The decision was ruled 6-3, and the majority opinion was penned by Justice Neil Gorsuch and Justice John Roberts also joined the majority side. Katelyn Burns, political reporter covering general politics and LGBTQ issues at Vox, talks to us (and celebrates with us!) in this bonus podcast episode.

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The Many Ways the US is Attacking Reproductive Rights at the United Nations

The United Nations makes important decisions around a wide variety of issues including the sexual and reproductive health and rights of people around the world. Since the beginning of the Trump administration, the U.S. has been actively fighting against providing global sexual and reproductive health and rights. Shannon Kowalski, Director of Advocacy and Policy at the International Women’s Health Coalition (IWHC), sits down to talk with us about how the U.S. has attempted to weaken reproductive health and rights around the world through their role at the UN.

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Sexual Assault on Campus: Will Title IX Rule Changes Make Schools Less Safe?

Title IX is an anti-discrimination law that protects students and employees in education environments. The rule is critical-- it ensures that schools respond appropriately to sexual harassment and assault against employees and students in educational institutions around the U.S. Unfortunately, the Trump administration has introduced a new rule that would essentially dismantle Title IX and have schools take steps to discourage students from reporting sexual harassment and assault on campus. Shiwali Patel with the National Women’s Law Center talks to us about this extremely harmful rule change and what it could mean for students across the country.

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COVID-19 Could be Devastating to Reproductive Health in Low and Middle Income Countries

While we’ve heard a lot about how COVID-19 is impacting our access to sexual and reproductive health here in the United States, the devastation to SRHR will be felt the world over. In fact, the progress that has been made in supplying women and girls in low- and middle-income countries with reproductive health services could be significantly rolled back as the pandemic continues. Zara Ahmed with the Guttmacher Institute sits down with us to talk about this world-wide change in access.

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It's Unacceptable That States are Using a Pandemic to Attack Abortion

In case you haven’t heard, states around the U.S. are taking advantage of the global pandemic in an effort to ban and severely limit access to abortion care. Governors and lawmakers in these states argue that abortion is a “non-essential” health service, and that hospital and clinic resources that are used to perform both procedural and medication abortion should be redirected toward COVID-19 relief. Jessica Mason Pieklo and Imani Gandy with Rewire.News and the Boom! Lawyered podcast helps us break down this bogus argument.

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Even a Pandemic Can't Stop Clinic Harassment

In case you missed it, states around the country are attempting to attack access to abortion by taking advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic and manipulating the definition of “essential health services.” While abortion providers are under pressure due to maintaining the safety of staff and patients, handling state-by-state legislative attacks, and continuing to provide essential and time-sensitive health care, they face an additional, unnecessary stressor; anti-abortion protestors ignoring public health protocol and crowding the entrance of clinics. While abortion clinics are simply trying to provide reproductive health care during a turbulent time, anti-abortion protestors are blatantly disregarding the safety and health of others. We talk to Calla Hales, executive director of A Preferred Women’s Health Center, about clinic harassment outside of and during this unprecedented pandemic.

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