Episode 49 Action Items

On an individual level, we can all help teenagers access the sexual and reproductive health care they need. Refrain from judging a girl in your life who approaches you about information regarding their sexual and reproductive health care. Point her in the right direction, instead. 

You can follow Marie Stopes International on Facebook and Twitter, and Marie Stopes Zambia on Facebook here in order to stay up-to-date on their SRHR work! 

Find more information on the Divine Divas program here and more information on MSI’s work in Zambia here!

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Episode 48 Action Items

Follow IWHC on Twitter and Facebook and keep up with their organization!

For people in countries where the global gag rule applies, advocate with your government about health autonomy! Become an advocate for awareness around safe abortion, reproductive health rights, and reproductive health and rights.

In the U.S., the solution is to end the global gag rule. Support the Global HER Act, which would put an end to the policy and prevent future presidents from re-enacting the rule. You can call your House Representatives and Senators at the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121.

Find information on the Global HER Act here!

You can also check out IWHC’s report Crisis in Care here.

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Episode 47 Action Items

First and foremost, follow Katelyn Burns on Twitter here

 Second, you can follow these trans-affirming and inclusive reproductive health organizations in order to stay up-to-date on attacks on the transgender community and reproductive health care:

Planned Parenthood Action Fund


National Women’s Law Center

Show up at protests that are happening in your local community! 

There is a desperate need to fund transgender healthcare. Use the hashtag #TransCrowdFund on Twitter. Here you can find GoFundMe’s and other trans-based crowdfunding efforts.  

Most importantly, go to https://protecttranshealth.organd submit a comment regarding the attacks on transgender health and rights. 

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Episode 46 Action Items

Follow Population Council on Facebook and Twitter in order to keep up with their contraception developments and other news!

Do you use a method of birth control? Funding and investment decisions about contraceptive methods are made because product users share their experience and stories! You can do that here.

You can find more information on Annovera in the FDA press release here.

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Episode 45 Action Items

What can you do to support abortion access? 

Follow the National Network of Abortion funds on Facebook and Twitter in order to stay up-to-date on the critical work they are doing.

Abortion funds are only able to support about 1/5 of the people that call to request help securing care. Donating to these funds make a huge difference and ensure direct access to care. Donate to your local fund or donate at the national level by visiting The National Network of Abortion Funds here.

You can also become a member of your local abortion fund! Find more information on becoming a member, donating, and joining abortion funds campaigns here!

Let your local and national lawmakers know where you stand on the issue of abortion access. You can contact the Capitol Switchboard here at 202-224-3121.

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Episode 44 Action Items

How can people of faith fight back and engage in the battle over sexual and reproductive health and rights?

Exploring how your faith informs your position on reproductive health and rights is the first step! If you are in a faith-based community now, ask around to see if there are people that feel similarly to you regarding reproductive health and rights, and start conversations in your religious community about SRHR issues. This give you practice talking about the intersection of these issues and your faith.

Follow Rev. Katey Zeh on Twitter and pick up her book Women Rise Up: Sacred Stories of Resistance for Today’s Revolution here!

You can also reach out to the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice for more guidance, and follow them on Facebook and Twitter!

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Episode 43 Action Items

Want to learn more about sexual and reproductive health and rights in countries like Malawi, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe? Follow CHANGE on Facebook and Twitter and keep up with the work their advocates do on these vital issues in sub-Saharan Africa.

You can also find current information on sexual and reproductive health and rights standards in Malawi, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe here.

To learn more about PEPFAR and DREAMS, check out our past podcast episode PEPFAR: Achieving an AIDS-Free Generation here.

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Episode 42 Action Items

For those who are outraged by these recent bans and are becoming newly involved in the fight for access to abortion care, it is important to be careful of the language that is used. Practice using the terms “later abortion,” rather than “late term abortion”, and “pregnant person/people” rather than “pregnant woman/ women.” These keeps the fight for comprehensive access to abortion care inclusive and scientifically factual.

Continue to reaffirm that abortion is currently legal in all 50 states! These bans may be frightening and many may think they live in a state that does not guarantee access to abortion care, but that is not true.

Call your local abortion funds and see what you can do to help, whether through donations or volunteer work. You can donate to Alabama’s abortion fund here and Georgia’s abortion fund here.

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Episode 41 Action Items

If you are interested in keeping up to date with reproductive justice issues, give In Our Own Voice: The National Black Women’s Reproductive Justice Agenda a follow on Twitter and Facebook.

If you want to support the reproductive justice movement, make sure to support and center the leadership and power of women of color, who are historically the most excluded and marginalized folks in any environment.

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Episode 39 Action Items

Visit In Our Own Voice National Black Women’s Reproductive Justice Agenda and find out more about voting rights and how they intersect with reproductive justice. You can also follow them on Facebook and Twitter, and visit blackwomen.vote!

Get engaged. Study up on legislators and their issue areas at the local and national level. Find out your voting rights based on where you live. If you don’t like your state’s voting guidelines, protest them with groups like ACLU!

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Episode 38 Action Items

Want to take action regarding criminalization after this episode, but don’t know where to start?

First, follow CHANGE on Facebook and Twitter, and follow Advocates for Youth on Facebook and Twitter in order to stay up to date on their work on criminalization.

If you are in DC, get involved with one of many amazing organizations that ensure the health and safety of vulnerable populations that often bear the brunt of criminalization, including the Sex Worker’s Advocates Coalition and Collective Action for Safe Spaces.

Reach out to your elected officials at both the national and local levels and let them know about the broad harms of criminalization. You can reach the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121. You can also check out Amnesty International’s Body Politics, which includes resources and information on engaging local and national governments on issues of criminalization.

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Episode 37 Action Items

Outraged at the direction abortion rights have been heading, both legally and legislatively? Start taking action by following ACLU on Twitter and Facebook, and keep up to date with all the ways they are fighting for and defending abortion rights throughout the nation.

If you live in a state that is attempting to pass abortion restrictions, get involved with your state legislature! Even if you feel like abortion access is on solid ground in your state, you can get involved in state legislature to further remove any barriers to abortion care wherever you are.

Find sexual and reproductive health groups in your state and get involved! These groups include Planned Parenthood, ACLU, NARAL, and others.

Contact Members of Congress and Senators and let them know how important maintaining abortion access around the country is to you! You can reach the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121.

You can also volunteer with or donate to abortion funds in your area.

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Episode 36 Action Items

Outraged that the State Department is leaving out vital information on reproductive health and rights in their annual Human Rights Reports but don’t know what to do? We’ve got you covered!

Call your Congressional members! While 127 House members and 31 senators are in support of the Reproductive Rights Are Human Rights Act, you can persuade more! Send letters, faxes, emails, or contact the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121! Send thank you’s to repro champions on the Hill, as well!

Brush up on information regarding the State Department’s deletion of relevant reproductive rights information in Oxfam’s Sins of Omission report here!

Research and find more information on the Reproductive Rights are Human Rights Act in the House and Senate!

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Episode 35 Action Items

First and foremost, make sure to follow the Guttmacher Institute on Facebook and Twitter!

To protect abortion access, you can get involved on any level! Talk to your friends about the importance of abortion access, get involved in your community, work with an abortion fund, work with an abortion travel fund, and work with your state legislature or national legislature!

Know that if you’re working on the local level, you’re making a difference on the national level, and vice-versa.

Find more information on the Each Woman Act here and the Woman’s Health Protection Act here.

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Episode 34 Action Items

We’ve heard all about the sexual and reproductive health and rights advancement New York State has made, and what kind of progress PPNYC would like to continue to see for their state. But what about your state?

First of all, you can follow PPNYC on Twitter and Facebook and stay up to date on the work they do.

Make sure to vote!

If you are more politically active, put a piece of model legislation in front of a supportive legislation. Start building support!

Find more information on the Reproductive Health Act here.

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Episode 33 Action Items

Follow Guttmacher on social media and keep up to date on their incredible work! You can follow them on Facebook here or on Twitter here.

Talk about self-managed abortion! Share stories and share information and help break down that barrier of stigma and fear. You can also support organizations that are working to break down the barriers to self-managed abortion and get involved to protest federal and state-level restrictions. 

Read Megan’s full piece on self-managed abortion here!

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Episode 32 Action Items

Interested in Reach A Hand Uganda's work? Follow them on Facebook and Twitter!

You can also use the hashtag #FundUNFPA to share your thoughts and stories on Twitter. Keep up to date with UNFPA's campaigns, missions, and news by following UNFPA on Twitter and Facebook.

If you care about comprehensive access to reproductive and sexual health and rights overseas, call your Senators and Representatives and tell them to oppose the expanded Trump Global Gag Rule. You can reach the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121.

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Episode 31 Action Items

We know you have taken action throughout the year to try and stop the administration and Congress’ attacks on sexual and reproductive health. Continue that habit and stand up for SRHR!

Call your Senators and Representatives. Your call DOES matter. Call the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-312.

Become a Planned Parenthood Action Defender! This group connects you with other Defenders in your community and creates opportunity to hold local marches, fundraisers, protests, etc.

You can also follow Planned Parenthood’s handy tool “Tracking Trump” here! Find out more about the policies and people in the administration that are negatively impacting sexual and reproductive health and rights.

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