Episode 37 Action Items
Outraged at the direction abortion rights have been heading, both legally and legislatively? Start taking action by following ACLU on Twitter and Facebook, and keep up to date with all the ways they are fighting for and defending abortion rights throughout the nation.
If you live in a state that is attempting to pass abortion restrictions, get involved with your state legislature! Even if you feel like abortion access is on solid ground in your state, you can get involved in state legislature to further remove any barriers to abortion care wherever you are.
Find sexual and reproductive health groups in your state and get involved! These groups include Planned Parenthood, ACLU, NARAL, and others.
Contact Members of Congress and Senators and let them know how important maintaining abortion access around the country is to you! You can reach the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121.
You can also volunteer with or donate to abortion funds in your area.