Episode 108 Action Items

Follow Center for American Progress on Facebook and Twitter and stay updated on their relevant research. You can also check out CAP’s Take Action on Ensuring Meaningful Access to Abortion for All page.

Pay attention to relevant legislation moving through Congress and educate your members on the laws and policies that can be advanced to realize a proactive abortion agenda for the U.S. You can reach the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121.

Donate to your local advocates who are on the ground protecting abortion rights, especially your local abortion funds. For a map of abortion funds, click here.

Challenge yourself and those in your life to shift their thinking about abortion through a reproductive justice framework. Being able to plan families, raise children in safe communities, and have access to the resources needed to support yourself and your family can help de-stigmatize and support abortion care!

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Episode 107 Action Items

Follow NARAL on Twitter and Facebook.

Make your voice heard and tell the White House that the President’s budget needs to be free of any attacks on reproductive freedom. NARAL is hosting a series of budget-related events, information on which you can find here.

Submit comments on sexual and reproductive health issues! The comment period is currently open for reversing the “domestic gag rule.” If you’d like to submit a comment about Title X during the public commenting period, you can text “TitleX” to 22422! But, stay alert! There will be more opportunities to comment on the way.

Call your Senators and tell them to confirm executive branch nominees and judges that will protect and expand sexual and reproductive health and rights. You can reach the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121.

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Episode 106 Action Items

Firstly, you can follow Planned Parenthood Federation of America on Facebook and Twitter.

If you’d like to submit a comment about Title X during the public commenting period, you can text “TitleX” to 22422!

To learn more about the restrictions on Title X, you can check out rePROs Fight Back’s past podcast episode, Title X is Under Attack, here. To learn more about restrictions to medication abortion, you can check out our past podcast Medication Abortion Shouldn’t Require an In-Person Visit (Especially During a Pandemic) here!

To learn more about the Blueprint for Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights and Justice, you can check out our podcast 2021: A New Year, A New Administration, A Blueprint for Reproductive Freedom.

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Episode 105 Action Items

Follow Physicians for Reproductive Health on Twitter and Facebook and stay up to date on their critical work.

Get involved in Black Maternal Health Week! You can use the key hashtags #BMHW21, #BlackMamasMatter, and #BlackMaternalHealthWeek and join the conversation!

If you’re a healthcare worker, be cognizant of your own biases. Respect, listen to, and validate your patient. As a patient in the healthcare system, advocate for yourself, act questions, bring a partner or buddy to appointments that can hear, discuss, and advocate for you.

Support policies that expand access to comprehensive reproductive healthcare. Call your representatives and tell them to support the Black Maternal Health Momnibus Bill of 2021—a collection of 12 bills that take action on maternal health and mortality via an all-encompassing framework. You can reach the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121.

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Episode 104 Action Items

You can follow Charlotte on Twitter here. You can also follow Catholics for Choice on Facebook and Twitter.

Call your Senators and demand they vote for the Equality Act once it arrives on the Senate floor (especially those living in Maine, Alaska, swing states, and conservative states!) You can reach the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121.

Pay attention to the policies that impact LGBTQ+ people in your state and local area and get involved. Keep an eye on and work in your school board, your city council, your local governing board, and your state legislature.

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Episode 103 Action Items

Follow CARE USA on Facebook and Twitter and stay up to date on all of their important GBV work. You can learn more about CARE’s advocacy issues here.

Call your member of Congress and tell them to support Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act, the International Violence Against Women Act, and Safe from the Start Act. Right now is the moment the Congress is thinking about their appropriations process, so you can urge your member of Congress that GBV should be a funding priority. The Capitol Switchboard is 202-224-3121.

Volunteer your time or donate to an organization that supports survivors and victims of GBV, like the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN), or the Coalition to End Violence Against Women and Girls Globally.

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Episode 101 Action Items

Follow the Guttmacher Institute on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on their research!

You can find Laura’s recent op-ed, “Has Sex Ed Even Changed From the ‘Bridgerton’ Era To Today? here.

If you are a parent, you can make sure you provide quality, comprehensive conversations on sexual health with your children and teenagers. Recognize that it is an important conversation that may need to be held multiple times with different information at different developmental ages. Hold your children’s doctor’s accountable and let them have time alone with their healthcare provider.

Whether you are a parent or not, you can advocate for your local schoolboard to provide medically-accurate sexual education to young people in your community.

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Episode 100 Action Items

Have any questions for rePROs Fight Back host Jennie Wetter? You can email Jennie and the rePROs team at jennie@reprosfightback.com.

Subscribe to rePROs Fight Back on your favorite podcast player! You can find us on Apple, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, Overcast, Castbox, and Podcast Addict.

Rate and review us on Apple or on other podcast players! Your kind words help boost the podcast so we can reach more people.

Thank you for supporting us these past 100 episodes. We’ll see you for the next 100!

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Episode 99 Action Items

Begin taking action by following Physicians for Reproductive Health on Twitter and Facebook!

At the federal level, encourage the Biden-Harris administration and Congress to take immediate action to reverse the decision to require in-person dispersion of medication abortion, and to repeal legislation that prevents certain communities from being able to access abortion care through their governmental insurance methods, like the Hyde Amendment. The number for the Capitol Switchboard is 202-224-3121.

Make demands at the state level, too! Contact your state legislators and make your voices heard on the policies that unfairly impact equal access to medication abortion care.

You can also partner or get involved with reproductive health, rights and justice organizations in your community that are already doing this vital work.

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Episode 97 Action Items

You can follow SisterSong on Facebook and Twitter and stay up to date with their vital reproductive justice work.

Frontline, a collective group of progressive organizations, put together an ad in the New York Times to help move impeachment forward of elected officials who tried to undermine the outcome of the 2020 election. You can sign on to that here.

Choose your political home—find what organizations, work, and ideology that you are connected to. You can give your time, talent, and money to these organizations and individuals to move the country forward.

Actions you can take for Abortion Justice

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Episode 96 Action Items

Make sure you follow the National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Justice on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter in order to stay up-to-date on their work!

Learn more about the HEAL for Immigrant Women and Families Act. Call your Congressmen and women and tell them to support the act. The Capitol Switchboard is 202-224-3121.

You can also check out NAPAWF’s information on the HEAL Act and sigh their petition here!

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Episode 95 Action Items

Follow Planned Parenthood Action Fund on Twitter and Facebook, and In Our Own Voice-- National Black Women’s Reproductive Justice Agenda on Twitter and Facebook to keep up with their fantastic work.

Tell your elected officials that you want sexual and reproductive health, rights, and justice protected, expanded, and prioritized around the world. You can sign Planned Parenthood Action Fund’s petition for the incoming Biden-Harris administration and ask them to prioritize the blueprint’s goals. You can text ADDME to 22422 to sign on!

Continue to vote for those who promise to crush systemic barriers and protect these important access issues. Become more deeply involved in your local and state political systems.

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Episode 94 Action Items

You can follow the International Center for Research on Women on Facebook and Twitter in order to stay updated on their research and work.

Endorse and discuss the International Center for Research on Women’s feminist foreign policy! Share it on social media, send it to friends and family, or converse about it with those you know. You can access ICRW’s toolkits here to spread the word on feminist foreign policy.

You can also all your member of Congress and tell them to support the resolution that calls for ICRW’s vision of feminist foreign policy, which was introduced in the House last September. The Capitol Switchboard is reachable at 202-224-3121.

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Episode 93 Action Items

Support the National Birth Equity Collaborative by following their work on Facebook and Twitter. You can also find more information on the Amandla Group here.

Be engaged in advocacy efforts! Contribute to organizations that are doing work on infertility. Use your voice and put pressure on policy makers to adopt the American Society for Reproductive Medicine’s policy suggestions.

Normalize infertility issues and combat stigma. Have conversations and education sessions with people around you. Uplift the voices and stories of Black birthing people and birthing people of color. Advocate for equity in research.

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Episode 92 Action Items

Stay up-to-date on all news related to sexual and reproductive health and rights by following Rewire News Group on Facebook and Twitter.

Remember, the court is for the people. We can be active members in our court system through information, elections, and more. Take comfort in educating others in your life on the impact of the courts (as well as the impact of elections on the court). Continue to stay informed on the current and upcoming cases in front of the Supreme Court.

Call your Congress people during this lame duck period of time if there are more Trump-appointed judges. You can contact the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121.

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Episode 90 Action Items

You can follow CHANGE on Facebook and Twitter and stay in-the-loop with their great work.

There is a 60-day comment period on the expansion of the Global Gag Rule that closes on November 13, 2020. Use this opportunity as a way to draft and submit comments and questions to HHS, the Department of State, and other implementing agencies.

Urge your national-level representatives to prioritize ending the Global Gag Rule. You can contact the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121. You can tell your Senators to support the Global HER Act sponsored by Senator Jean Shaheen, NH.

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