Posts in Season 1
Episode 204 Action Items

Follow Greer Donley on Twitter.

 Center abortion rights in your upcoming voting practices. Talk to your friends, families, and other personal connections about the Comstock Act. Make sure people in your circle understand the possible danger that may come from allowing the act to continue as abortion consistently faces attacks.

You can find additional information on the Comstock Act here.

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Episode 203 Action Items

Say abortion—loudly, proudly, and often! Stigma harms abortion seekers, fostering shame and secrecy and creating additional hurdles to accessing basic healthcare. You can use National Network of Abortion Funds’ conversation toolkits to have heart-to-heart talks with your loved ones about abortion.

Support your local abortion funds to directly and tangibly assist those in need, if you have the means. Find yours here

Hold local officials accountable by participating in your local council and board meetings and engaging in community-based advocacy efforts.

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Episode 201 Action Items

You can follow Jess Mason Pieklo on Twitter and find Rewire News Group on Twitter and Facebook here.

 Listen to people on-the-ground in Alabama! To the extent that you have material resources to donate to those on-the-ground, please do so. You can also push your lawmakers for answers—call your representatives and have them clarify their stance on the dangers of fetal personhood.

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Episode 199 Action Items

If you can, donate to your local abortion fund. If possible, make monthly contributions to provide them a consistent stream of support. 

Say the word “abortion” to destigmatize it—avoid euphemisms like “right to choose” when referring to abortion.

Follow Black reproductive justice leaders, look for volunteer opportunities at your local abortion fund, and learn about self-managed abortion.

Do your research on reproductive justice to transform your activism, worldview, and life. You can find more information on the basics of reproductive justice here.

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Episode 198 Action Items

Remember that pleasure goes beyond orgasm. Pleasure is defined by you. 

Try to better understand your anatomy and the anatomy of your sexual partner. Look at your body in the mirror and learn more about anatomy online. 

You can also check out the books Come as You Are and Come Together by Dr. Emily Nagoski and She Comes First by Dr. Ian Kerner.

Talk to a sex coach, sex therapist, sexologist, or local sex shop in your area for more information or events.

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Episode 197 Action Items

Follow Beirne Roose-Snyder on Twitter, and follow the Council for Global Equality on Twitter and Facebook.

Don’t lose hope! The anti-rights movement depends on exhaustion and loss-of-hope for success. Call out patterns related to attacks on democracy when you see it—talk about Project 2025. Tell your friends, family, and loved ones about this very well-funded, very organized project. Demand more from local and national press. Find the Project Protect Democracy handbook for reporters on how to contextualize and cover authoritarian threats here.

Organize locally. Presidential elections are not the only elections—organize around school boards, city councils, and more.

Look into How Fascism Works by Jason Stanely, and How to Stand up to a Dictator by Maria Ressa.

If you work in a nonprofit, you can reach out to Alliance for Justice for resources on talking about Project 2025, without crossing into the 501(c)(4) line.

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Episode 196 Action Items

Follow Garnet Henderson on Twitter, and Rewire News Group on Twitter and Facebook. You can also find Garnet’s pieces here:

The Plan to Win Against Extremism in Idaho

When an Abortion ‘Abolitionist’ Becomes Your State Senator

In Idaho, Extremists Have Created a Culture of Fear Around Pregnancy

In the Dominican Republic, I Saw Broken U.S. Abortion Policy Firsthand

 Follow the Idaho ballot measure, and if you or anyone you know lives in Idaho, make them aware of the measure.
Give to abortion funds if possible—the abortion fund for Idaho is the Northwest Abortion Access Fund. If giving isn’t easy, run a fundraiser or donate your time.

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Episode 194 Action Items

First and foremost, follow the Online Abortion Resource Squad on Twitter and LinkedIn. You can also follow r/abortion on Reddit here.

 Figure out whatever steps you would need to take to access an abortion in your community, and make sure you are intimately familiar with those steps. Next, apply the same steps for loved ones in your life. Learn the laws where you live. Talk to your doctor, talk to your local representatives, and talk to people in your communities about ways to strengthen abortion access.

If you see someone on Reddit who needs abortion help, send them to/abortion.

If possible, donate!

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Episode 192 Action Items

First and foremost, follow NLIRJ on Twitter and Facebook and PPFA on Twitter and Facebook.

Amplify the blueprint and the policy agenda it lays out in your communities and platforms. Share on social media, share with friends, family, and policy makers, and send to related (and non-related!) organizations. 

Reach out to local, state, and federal elected officials and stress the importance of achieving the vision of SRHR for all. You can contact the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121.

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Episode 191 Action Items

Follow the Equality Federation on Twitter and Facebook and stay up-to-date on their work.

 Find your local Equality Federation partner, nearby events, and other ways to get involved here! When state equality groups and LGBTQI+ communities are asking you to show up—whether at protests, voting, calling representatives, etc., be there.

If you can, you can also give to your local LGBTQI+ organizations, especially through a reoccurring donation.

rePROs Fight Back has been named a finalist in two categories in the 3rd Annual Anthem Awards. The winners of these awards are chosen by support from our community. You can “celebrate” or vote for rePROs Fight Back here: Human and Civil Rights Awareness and Media Awards and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Awareness and Media. Finalists can be celebrated online from December 5th to December 21st at

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Episode 190 Action Items

First and foremost, follow Amnesty International on Facebook and Twitter.

Follow reproductive health and rights on social media, including their back up accounts. Plan C, Women on Web, and Shout Your Abortion have very helpful information. Like, share, and interact with their content to increase their reach. Support digital campaigns from reproductive health and rights organizations, as well.

Make sure you talk about this issue—both abortion and abortion content suppression online. Suppression is silence, which makes space for stigmatization.

rePROs Fight Back has been named a finalist in two categories in the 3rd Annual Anthem Awards. The winners of these awards are chosen by support from our community. You can “celebrate” or vote for rePROs Fight Back here: Human and Civil Rights Awareness and Media Awards and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Awareness and Media. Finalists can be celebrated online from December 5th to December 21st at

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Episode 189 Action Items

Follow Reproaction on Twitter and Facebook and stay up-to-date on their work. You can also find Erin Matson on Twitter here.

 If you want to show that you are an ally or help challenge stigma, you can get some merchandise like this on Bonfire and show your support! 

 Remember, engage in conversations to your own comfortability. Sometimes, we must protect our own mental and emotional wellbeing, safety, and security.

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Episode 188 Action Items

If you need an abortion, check out this website to find the clinic closest to you.

Support your local abortion fund! Find your local abortion fund via the National Network of Abortion Funds.

 Follow Tarah Demant on Twitter and follow Amnesty International USA on Twitter and Facebook

As the holidays approach, remember to have conversations with your family members to your own comfortability. Feel free to push back in a big or small way. You can also wear abortion fund merchandise, like this, to break the stigma!

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Episode 185 Action Items

If you are a member of a union, hold your union accountable for safeguarding legal, accessible abortion access and ensure that the issue is taken up in the collective bargaining process.

If you are not a member of a union, think about unions as obvious allies in the fight for progressive change. Alliances can be made between the labor movement and the reproductive rights movement, and tapping into that power can result in powerful change. Call on friends in the labor movement or reach out to people in the labor movement to have these discussions.

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